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Finch Hatton

Finch Hatton
Showcasing our legacy

Project overview

Nestled within the embrace of majestic mountain ranges, Finch Hatton has emerged as a jewel of Australian mountain biking, featuring the country’s most extensive rollout of Airflow trails. This quaint country town transformed into a perfect winter riding haven, now invites riders to experience Stage 1, offering over 14km of predominantly Airflow trails designed to thrill and challenge enthusiasts of all levels.

As the blueprint of ambition, the master plan for Finch Hatton is set to redefine it as one of Australia’s premier trail towns. Boasting a ‘ride in, ride out’ ethos, the destination promises an uninterrupted connection between the thrill of the ride and the warmth of town hospitality. With the vision extending far beyond the initial offering, subsequent stages will unfurl an expansive network nearing 100km.

This network will enhance Finch Hatton’s allure and weave it with Eungella, its neighbouring town, through an epic adventure trail, marking a new era of exploration and adventure in Australia’s great outdoors.

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Showcasing our legacy

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